Thursday, December 30, 2010


So, weather's been crap in Florida. Not actually complaining because I guess 66 degrees and cloudy is better than -10 and snowy, but it's all relative. Shopping in a hell called Aventura ain't for me. I watched an interesting 60 Minutes the other night. Something about these brazzziliant paleontologists discovering tissue in dinosaur bones that are billions of years old that could possibly lead to the reintroduction of a dinosaur type creature in the future. Calling it a Dino-chicken.

Another very interesting story caught my eye too. It was about 2 Jews who created a website called People send them their most awkward family pics and they post them. That's all. Simple. But, hilarious and awkward. I mean you just can't even begin to wrap your head around how/why some of these pictures even happened.

Here we go:

We can start with this one- hockey gear, bra, preggo... totally normal pic. Superb idea professional photog. Black and white adds such a classy touch.

They REEEAAAALLLYYY wanted the entire family in this one.

I was potty trained this way, u?

Nothing says Merry Xmas like matching pajamas and a topless man (presumably the dad) in your pic! I really can't begin to understand this one. Praying it was a joke. If so, good one.

No words really for this one. But definitely NOT a joke. You can just tell. Far left guy is my personal fave. Hands on knees guy is pretty good too. Did the store run out of mini pumpkins? Even the dog has to look away.

Who can guess this mother's favourite skater?

Some people just really love their dogs! Possibly a bit too much.

Maybe a candy apple would have been more appropriate for this family vacation shot.

Again having trouble finding words. At least they're in love.

And then obviously we have NKOTB attempting to feed this little girl. Guess she's a picky eater. Props to her parents for pulling out ALLLLL the stops to get her to eat.

Now this pic is funny because once the eisel collapsed, one parent ran to get the camera while the other waited. See dad's arm in far left of pic.

Saved my fave for last. Look carefully. THAT is funny.

Hope that last one doesn't give you nightmares! Hope all the clouds in the sky die and go to hell!

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