Friday, March 18, 2011

Pop Culture Junkie

I am a product of pop culture to the nth degree (To the utmost degree; without limit. Googled it.).

Not sure if it's a result of my parents being cool, or maybe that's just how I was born. What is cool anyway? Subjective no?

Anyhoooo, I am a product of many things and for the purpose of this entry, I will discuss the films that have helped mold me into the human being that I am today.

I will start with the Wizard of Oz because this is a movie that was a huge part of my childhood. It became a family tradition to watch it up north at my country house multiple times a year. It was usually on tv on new years and us kids would stay up late and watch it, eyelids drooping, fighting to stay up. This historic movie led to many many hours of us putting on W.O.O. performances. Stacey was always Toto. We were mean.

Then I aged a bit and turned my attention to Grease. LOVED the original (obv), imitated every dance move thousands of times and was changed, as an 8 year old.

Grease led me to Xanadu. We wished more than anything that we could be Greek muses reincarnating ourselves on Earth to help a struggling artist open a ROLLER DISCO!!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT??????? Gene Kelly was in it!

Then Grease 2 came along. And the original Grease disappeared for me. THIS was my new favourite movie. I know there are lots of you who think I'm nuts for loving Grease 2 more than 1, but what can I tell you, IT ROCKED MY WORLD. And I know EMD, TG and LS agree with me wholeheartedly. Cool Rider, Girl for All Seasons, Let's Bowl... the list goes on. The amount of times I pretended to climb that ladder and wrap my leg around it whilst singing cool rider are numerous. In elementary school, I was 'dating' someone named Johnny, and might have even said to him because of the movie, "What do you want from me Johnny? (Johnny was 9 at the time. Prolly looked at me super confused and continued playing dodgeball.)

I think Little darlings was right around this time too. Matt Dillon, I loved you. You were so hot.

Fame, Flashdance. Footloose. They just don't make movies like this anymore. How cool was welder Alex Owens???? So so cool. Chicken. What a great game!

The Princess Bride- As you wiiiiiiiiiiiish.......

Then I grew up a bit.

My obsession started with Corey Haim and Winona Ryder.

I mean, look at that punim.

I was so in love with Corey Haim in The Lost Boys it was not normal. Also, License to Drive killed it for me.

Winona Ryder neƩ Horowitz was the coolest person I 'knew' when I was 11. Heathers, Mermaids, and Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael ROCKED MY WORLD.

Heathers was just so edgy and incredible. The original mean girls. Watched it likely 35 times. And to this day still use the lines from the movie often.

I bought a pair of combat boots and put pink laces in them (true story) because of her character in Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael. I feel like 4 people saw that movie. Well, I LOVED it.

I even brought pictures of Winona to camp with me and stuck them up on the 'ceiling' of my bottom bunkbed. Seems a bit odd now that I think about it. I was 12.

Say Anything- It was this movie that instantly made us disappointed in our men for not having ever stood outside our windows holding a boombox over our heads blaring 'In Your Eyes'. Assholes.

St. Elmo's Fire- Who didn't want to change their name to Jules after that?

When Harry Met Sally- classic amazingness.

Then John Hughes.

Oh John, do you know what you did to me? (RIP) You CHANGED MY LIFE.

Breakfast Club- Anyone else write out every single line in that movie on a single side of looseleaf? Ya, LZ and I did. Have it framed somewhere. Don't watch that movie with me. I'm super duper annoying.

16 candles- 2 words. Jake. Ryan. Thank you. He was also in Mermaids. Yummmmmmmm.

Pretty in Pink- Blaine? That's not a name, it's a major appliance. James Spader in his prime.

Weird Science- Gimme the keys Lisa, I drive. (still say this allllll the time)

Some Kind of Wonderful- Because of this movie, wanted to transition into a tomboy and learn how to play the drums. Neither happened. I was sad.

Less Than Zero- Not a John Hughes production but a film that began my love affair with RDJ. Sick movie and WOW was I too young to have seen it at 13 or 14.

Afterall these flics, I was tight with RDJ, Molly, Andrew McCarthy, James Spader, Judd, Anthony Michael Hall (who morphed into the weirdest looking adult- see: Edward Scissorhands).

Dirty Dancing- not sure how to stress what this one did to me. I carried a watermelon? Nobody puts baby in a corner. Sylvia? Yes Mickey..........

Pretty Woman- If I could count the times a year that I say: It corners like it's on rails or Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now or What's your dream? Or I spent $10 000 in therapy to say I'm very angry with my father...too many times to count.

So, these are some of the movies from my childhood that have scarred/molded me. I'm sure I left some out, but I think you get the picture.

Where would I be today without them? I guess that will remain a mystery....But I think I turned out ok :)

1 comment:

  1. That was fun! You certainly got them all. We really were crazy for the Breakfast Club! LZ
