Thursday, November 11, 2010

Girly Things

So, I’m getting married. In April. Waaahoooooo. As we know, I am a slave to blogs of all sorts. When I was moving into my new house, home décor blogs became my life. I couldn’t believe how many were out there! I compiled an electronic collection of images in order to figure out what my interior style was.

I swear that's exactly what my deck looks like. With that view too.

That was my first foray into the blog world. Actually, I guess Perez Hilton was my first. Advance to about a minute. That's where it gets goooooood.

I know. Don't ask.

But I digress. Wedding. So, natch, my interior design blog obsession passed the torch to my wedding blog obsession and I’ve been collecting images. Lots of images. Lots of blogs. Lots of ‘real weddings’ blogs. (Say that 10 times fast)

And then the actual planning begins and one realizes VERY quickly that what you really want, or fantasized about or saw online, is likely not what you will end up with, well, because it’s just not realistic in your venue or culture.

Invitations- I loved these.

Crazy original non? I mistakenly thought that the groom and I are kooky enough characters that it would be totally acceptable to our guests (and our parents) that things were going to be a bit ‘different’. But then the groom was like: Sweetie, you’re not serious are you? And the mother of the bride was like: Dear, this is not your bar mitzvah. So ix-nay on the veerd invitations-ay.

Venue- I hadn’t originally wanted to get married in a synagogue. In doing some research, I learned that I am not in fact the heir to the Johnson's and Johnson’s fortune, and thus we will in fact be saying our I do’s in a house of worship. Also the size of the wedding played a large (pun intended) part in that decision. There would be no courtyard or industrial space for us.


Bridesmaids- I hadn’t actually wanted any. Not because I don’t have friends; I actually have the best friends in the whole wide world. It's just that my friends have all been bridesmaids so many times that I didn’t want to bother them. Of course, I knew they would happily do it if asked. And as groomzilla wouldn’t back down because he needed his ‘boys’, I of course asked my girls. Soooooo, what to wear, what to wear…

Love this:

And this:

I think the decision we came to was a good one. Right ladies?

I’d like to wear these shoes. But I can’t remember where I got that pic from. Oh well.

How cute is this menu? No! says my mama.

And I wish I could wear something as fun as this. I know it’s not even a wedding dress but I loved the costume design in Marie Antoinette!

So what have I learned? There are many cool things people out there are doing for their weddings. But I'm right here. In my reality. Will I be able to incorporate all the zany and quirky things that I have found? Def not. (You're welcome Rozzie)

Amazing amazing amazing family and friends? Check.

Soulmate? Check.

Rabbi? Check.

Looks like we're good!

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